Holocaust victims commemorated in Lviv — photo report

Holocaust victims commemorated in Lviv — photo report
Holocaust victims commemorated in Lviv. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka

Every year on January 27, the International Community commemorates the Holocaust victims. The Nazis murdered millions of people because of their nationality or worldview. Today, Lviv also commemorated the memory of the innocent victims.

It was reported by the journalist of Novyny.LIVE Marta Baidaka.

Holocaust victims commemorated in Lviv

Caring people gathered in Lviv at memorial sites to commemorate the people killed by the Nazis. Prayers were held for the repose of their souls, and flowers were laid on the square near the monument to the victims of the Lviv ghetto.

У Львові вшанували пам'ять жертв Голокосту
The square near the monument to the victims of the Lviv ghetto. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka
У Львові вшанували пам'ять жертв Голокосту
Tablets with information about the victims of the Holocaust. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka
У Львові вшанували пам'ять жертв Голокосту
People who came to commemorate the victims. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka
У Львові вшанували пам'ять жертв Голокосту
Participants of the event to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka
У Львові вшанували пам'ять жертв Голокосту
Prayer at the place of commemoration of the innocent victims. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka
У Львові вшанували пам'ять жертв Голокосту
People at the monument to the victims of the Holocaust. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Marta Baidaka

As a reminder, today we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the largest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz, which was located in Poland. In honor of this, a number of events will be held there, and world leaders have been invited.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has also arrived in Poland today to commemorate the victims of the Nazis.

We also talked about how the world commemorates the Holocaust victims. The Nazis killed millions of innocent people, including in Ukraine.

Львів Holocaust victims memory Holocaust Remembrance Day